STEP 1: put this code at the top of your .html file, anywhere between <head> and </head>
STEP 2: put this code at the bottom of your .html file, somewhere above </body>
▬ the widget will only work in the body of your comic's HTML FILES .. it won't work in a social media bio, plaintext text box in a website builder, or other files like .css or .js
▬ the widget will only work on the URL you gave me. if you want to put it on the website for a second comic, you'll have to send a second application for that comic
▬ the widget's font/size/colour will come from parent properties in the in your own css .. those are usually at the top of style.css and look like this:
font-family: NAME OF FONT;
font-size: SIZE OF FONT in px;
▬ more complex edits to the shape or the layout of the widget need a new div tag called #webcomicring (not .webcomicring needs the # symbol)
your css here
If you would no longer like to have the widget on your page, don't just remove it silently without telling anyone! Please let a mod know in the W/C/R discord or send an email to so I can make sure other people's widgets don't point to a page that doesn't have one (this would break the loop of the ring)
You are still welcome to be a part of the W/C/R without the widget, this is what the affiliates section is for!